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The vegetation communities and geography of the riparian zone along the Verde River form a vital and continuous wildlife corridor that links the Sonoran Desert to the highlands. This environment fosters a diverse range of vegetative habitats for animals, helping maintain the rich biodiversity of the watershed. Additionally, this watershed plays a significant role in supporting large portion of Arizona's vertebrate wildlife.

Ecological Values of the Upper Verde River

Learn About the Verde River's Journey


Summary of Upper Verde Ecosystem


The Upper Verde River is a vital habitat for Arizona's diverse vertebrate wildlife. It hosts over 270 migratory and year-round bird species, including the federally endangered southwestern willow flycatcher. Additionally, this river boasts the largest number of bald eagle breeding areas in the state and is one of only three rivers in Arizona that supports river otters. Remarkably, it is home to 89% of bat and mammal carnivore species, 83% of native ungulate species, and 76% of reptiles and amphibian genera.

Upper Verde River Organizations

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